Academic Courses & Programs
First Year Students
From 1997 until 2001 my course in the Sociology of Race, Forget the Alamo, was selected as a degree requirement for a select group of fifty new incoming first year students of colour at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who were recruited each year to start college early, in the summer, and live and take courses together as a single academic community for their first full year of college. In addition to being one of their first college professors, I was also, for some of these students, assigned to be their first year academic advisor. Later, between 2001 and 2003 at the University of Denver, I advised over twenty-five incoming students per year and created and taught several courses in social justice and literature specifically for first year students. Finally, while working as an Adjunct Professor between 2009 and 2016 I taught a wide selection of Introductory Sociology and Anthropology courses to brand new incoming first year students at Purchase College-SUNY, the College Mount Saint Vincent, Mount Saint Mary College (Newburgh, NY), Molloy College, SUNY-Orange Community College and SUNY-Dutchess Community College.